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M.Arch 3 April Crit RIBA Panels


Can't decide between the two cover page options shown...oh and the film will be added soon-ish


M.Arch 3 - March 18th crit panels 

My project explores the ideas of the natural sublime in a catastrophic future, the perceptions of sublimity and our cognitive responses to the sublime encounter in this future through creative representation. It investigates the theories surrounding the alluring nature of the vastness, darkness, solitude and obscurity of those environments. Inspired by specific themes and aesthetics in the influential art of the romantic era, and of Hollywood films that present similar themes in their representation. Films such as: Blade Runner. Scott, R (1982), Blade Runner: 2049, Villeneuve. D (2017), 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick, S. (1968) and Interstellar. Nolan, C. (2014). Mediums which successfully represent the beauty in this vastness, the attraction of power or the silence of the desert. Creative outlets which are inspired by the perception of these pieces of sublimity.

In this future, it takes being a prisoner trapped eternally in societies confines to appreciate something as simple as nature

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