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M.Arch 3 (Master of Architecture) initial design project exploration - A world without nature

Perceptions of Sublimity: An exploration of cognitive responses to the sublime encounter and its transcendence through art history and science fiction.   

The projects in my M.Arch 3 year explore the ideas of the natural sublime and the perceptions of it through creative representation. It investigates the theories surrounding the alluring nature of the vastness, darkness, solitude and obscurity of those environments. From this exploratory piece, I look at the potential characteristics of the individual living in a catastrophic reality. Inspired by specific themes and aesthetics in the influential art of the romantic era, and of Hollywood films that present similar themes in their representation. Films such as: Blade Runner. Scott, R (1982), Blade Runner: 2049, Villeneuve. D (2017), 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick, S. (1968) and Interstellar. Nolan, C. (2014). Mediums which successfully represent the beauty in this vastness, the attraction of power or the silence of the desert. Creative outlets which are inspired by the perception of these pieces of sublimity.

I draw from scholarly texts and studies on cognitive responses to human attractions, specifically to natural and digital sublime, for it is the response to that form of sublimity which I want to explore, its modern day representation and its catastrophic future equivalent in which my design work is situated. This project analyses the imagery in creative medium, to further explore the ideas of sublimity in it's own respective aesthetic. The theories surrounding phenomena like darkness, mountain landscapes, obscurity and the dread of night usually make a thing intriguing enough to arouse the emotional connection associated with the sublime. Space emptied of matter, light and sound or other humans resulting in this solitude; the capital source of the sublime. The solitude represented by the recurring silhouette figure in my visuals, aptly named "The Wanderer". My work explores the why, without fully answering it, I feel it’s more interesting this way. Leaving this question with some wonder at the end. The question of why in this catastrophic, yet undeniably beautiful reality, humans have developed this evolutionary characteristic to react to the sublime almost like moths to a flame? What is the reason for our historic yearning for a sublime experience? This project considers the relationship between humans and intrigue, catastrophe and the sublime, or rather the sublimity of a cataclysmic event, in other words, the seduction of Armageddon. The project is situated in a place between legible and illegible, between reading and un-reading. 


Some design portfolio sheets

What does The Collider actually look like? 

What does The Monolith actually look like? 

Expanse - The Last Vestige of Nature 

Barrier III_Enter the Expanse 

Barrier II_Environmental Shift 

Barrier I_Environmental Shift 

Stark III - Alien_Interference_Detected 

Stark II - Resource_Farms [Night]

Stark I - Resource_Farms [Day]

Ruins III - Outskirts_Error

Ruins II - Abandoned_Zone 

Ruins I - Outer Wall_ Surveillance 

Collider Entrace - Origin_Unknown 

Ruins I [navigation aesthetic comparison] 

navigation aesthetic  

Ruins I & Ruins II 

Out, through the ruins 1 (Rhino Visual/Matte Painting)

Navigation Device? 

Chronogram Development - Mirrored Imagery 

Chronogram Development - A Circular Story 

Topo Map - An Impossible Location

Flashes of Lightness and Blackness 

Monolith - Technical Development Drawings 

Tesseract -  The Infinite Space Within 

Tesseract - The Artificial

Tesseract - The Natural

Monolith model development - Rhino (Kubrick Inspired)

Refraction - Developing the tesseract spaces (inside the monolith)  

Inside the Collider


18th March crit - Title Page

City Plan - Working progress 

Collider Development - Platform 

Barrier (Rhino Visual)

Location Plan  

Site Map - Chronogram Development 

Out, through the ruins 2 (Rhino Visual/Matte Painting)

Horizon (Cinema 4D Visual) 

Ex. Two Point (Rhino Visual)

Dimensional Energy Leak (tests)

Arrival  (Rhino / After Effects Visual)

Mega City Model Development - (Rhino) 

Collider Model Development - (Rhino) 

Storyboard 1 - Visual Development (Animated) 

From Mobius, to Monolith?  (Cinema4D)

Mobius/Collider Development (Cinema4D)

Abstract Dissertation Development

Architecture development - Hadron collider-esque design (Rhino) 

"Maelstrom" Tunnel visual style development - Perceived differently by different users (Acrylic Painting)

Form 3.01 Tunnel Design option 2? - Development panel (Into the Void)

Simple 3D modelling of the architectural elements - Rhino (form exploration)

Form 3, Tunnel Design - Development panel (Enter the Void)

Site 2, starting to specify - Development panel (expanse)

After Effects - Form finding 

Site 2 - Sublime flat.png

Form 2 exploration - Development panel (pockets of nature)

Theme 2 exploration - Development panel (moths to a flame)

Theme exploration - Triptych panel 1/3

Form exploration - Triptych panel 2/3

Site exploration - Triptych panel 3/3

M.Arch 3 (Master of Architecture) initial design project exploration - Meta-Human Sanctuaries (unitfifteen)

The storyline: (first draft)


Due to the overwhelming change in the earth’s fabric, the freak drastic changes in temperature caused by our increasing levels of pollution and destruction of our planet, the earth becomes a magnet for a cosmic shockwave traveling through space. The freak Cosmic storm hits Earth, slowly mutating the genes in a small percentage of Humans on earth.


The superpowered governments of the human world seek to introduce sanctions on meta humans, they seek to displace them and evict them from their own homes and replace them with non meta people. This new world law is called “the purification” where human armies come and take metas to “re-education” camps which are something much worse in truth.

A select few meta and non meta humans foresee the coming calamity (racial injustice) and have since created/are creating a society for meta humans in the most remote and harshest environments of the planet, areas where only meta humans can survive (and the select few humans who seek to help) 

The concept/the talking points:

  • Morality of the situation (governments inflicting their will upon innocent people for political/economic gain) 

  • Laws and who makes them and why? (laws made by the lawless)

  • Escaping from society into the natural environments…finding solace in the planet rather than in society.

  • Design of the facilities in nature and how they work well, how the meta live in a way that does damage the environment.

M.Arch 2 (Master of Architecture) Rhino 6 design development - Alexander Baumgarten Centre

2020-06-15 (24).png
2020-06-15 (10).png
2020-06-15 (21).png
2020-06-15 (1).png
2020-06-15 (11).png
2020-05-19 (2).png
Annotation 2020-05-13 204225.png

© 2019 by Wajid Ali Khan.   

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